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Let us pray: Father, your word says in Psalm 34:1, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth." Hallelujah! In Jesus' name, Amen!
Focus Scripture: Proverbs 24:16a TPT “For the lovers of God may suffer adversity and stumble seven times, but they will continue to rise over and over again.”
On December 1st of last year, I found myself lying on the floor of our garage. I had been carrying two small boxes, intending to put them in the trunk of my car, when I missed a step. Suddenly, I fell down and all I could remember was saying, "God!" The next thing I knew, I was experiencing excruciating pain in my left ankle and knee. My ankle had folded inward, causing me to lose my balance, and my knee went in the opposite direction of the fall. Now, I have two injuries to deal with. I remember the first thing I said was 'I have to get up'. When you find yourself in a fallen state, you have to decide whether to lie there or stand up. I am not naive to the fact that I had fallen.
I couldn't ignore the coldness I felt, the fact that I was alone, and the pain affecting me.
The signs were there and the reality is nobody caused it but me. I didn't blame the builder who put the steps in place to help me. I didn't shift the blame to someone else. No, I did that.
Sometimes in our walk with God, we may do things that will cause us to find ourselves in a fallen state. But the good news is you can get back up! Sometimes when we fall we may not have others around to help us but I decided after I came into agreement with what happened, to get back up!
When David was distressed The scriptures tell us that he strengthened himself in the Lord. Other versions of the Bible say he encouraged himself. No one was there to help me get up. At that point, it was up to me to do something about it. Once I got back up I was still dealing with the effects of that fallen state. Every day is a challenge but I am determined to stay the course. If you have fallen in your walk with God, you can get back up. Now I'm not saying that it's going to be easy but what I am saying is that you're not the only one. There are some that I know, at some point, have fallen at least once. Either you have quit on God or you find yourself lying in sin. Whatever the fallen state may be. The good news is that the scriptures tell us God is married to the backslider. He is waiting with open arms. No condemnation just grace and mercy.
Did you know when one part of the body is not functioning properly or when one part of the body is out of alignment, it can affect the rest of the body? Your decision to stay the course matters to the rest of the body. Get back in alignment because you make a difference. It doesn’t matter what caused the injury or who caused the injury. It doesn’t matter if your present state is I’m dealing with pain. If you do not stay the course it will affect your walk. 
Let us pray: Father, thank you for your word that gives us hope. Thank you that the first step is to acknowledge our fallen state and repent. You have given us the right to get back up. Thank you that we don’t have to stay in decisions that may have caused us to get out of alignment. The good news is we can return to you, be healed, and walk again.
~Prophetess Tracy McCoy